In between

Something breathes in a room. From time to time, che calm, nocturnal atmosphere is interrupted by the flashing lights of moving cars, gliding over the horizon.

A dream, or a vision, perhaps with the gait of a suspended memory of youth, to which the suffused sound calls us back.

This is the film of the "In between". That of the land, between ghosts and dreams; that of the rhythm fractured and recovered; that of the triptych device, which atomises the detailed shot at the very moment in which it arranges its synthesis. The early morning moment, captured here, is one of its many virtualities. It fosters the opening of the hermeneutic as well as the unfolding of intimate and domestic discoveries, such as chose made by the astronomer Tempel from the stairs and gardens of his residences.

locationVenice, Italy
In between
In between
In between